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Some Case Studies

Programme evaluation of CSR activities
Equitas small finance bank had conducted COVID vaccination camps with the some help of funding from Opportunities International and the rest through their CSR initiative. Aspire Impact and FDRI had conducted the impact evaluation of the programme using mixed methodology with 7500 quantitative interviews and 20 IDIs with the beneficiaries across 10 states in India

Programme evaluation of CSR activities
FDRI conducted the comprehensive evaluation of ITC’s CSR initiatives in selected states of India. The evaluation design followed the OECD-DAC criteria of evaluation using both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. FDRI’s in-house model of HBI was used to calculate indices for the thematic areas. The study covered more than 4000 quantitative survey with beneficiary and non-beneficiary households and about 50 qualitative discussions with different stakeholders of the project across 5 states in India

Understanding the impact of improved cookstoves on environment and women drudgery
FDRI conducted a mixed method study to understand the impact of a programme conducted by CARE India on promotion of improved cookstoves in the forest dependent community of Gujarat. ICS helps in reduction of need for firewood and thus reducing the women drudgery of collecting the same. It also reduces the smoke and thus improves health and household pollution levels. The study involved quantitative interviews with 450 women in the region and also 27 qualitative discussions with key stakeholders

Handwashing practices and the changes occurred post COVID 19
FDRI conducted a mixed method study to understand the post COVID scenario of handwashing practices in Delhi. The handwashing practices had drastically improved in the last round of NFHS. The study wanted to capture, how much of this COVD induced positive behaviour change has been retained by the community. The results would be used to design a communication campaign to improve handwashing practices, especially, among children. The study involved quantitative interviews with 450 caregivers in the region and also 15 qualitative discussions including FGDs of children 4 to 8 year old.

Policy review of DBT for farmers
FDRI conducted the data collection for ISB to understand the implementation of the DBT system of the central government for the farmers in Punjab for ISB. The study involved detailed quantitative discussion with the farmers to know the issues the process of DBT actually occurring at the grass root level and the challenges they face so as to be able to provide a suggestions to improve the implementation of the policy.

Situation analysis of COVID lockdown and government support
FDRI conducted a qualitative study in the most disadvantaged areas of Bihar to understand the situation of BPL households during the COVID lockdown situation and the role that the central government social protection schemes played in helping them and the areas where they lacked to deliver. The study was conducted for PCI for one of their JICA funded programme. The study involved in-depth discussions with 20 BPL households from two districts to understand in details about their lives during the lockdown and how the schemes helped them in coping up.