Foundation for Developing

Research Innovations

Our Understanding

Behavioural science

  • Two decades of research in various domains has given as a deep understanding how human brain functions in terms of their behaviour. This understanding helps us why an individual would buy into an idea or concept or for that matter a product, and what needs to be done to make them buy into the same. This also helps us understand the political behaviour of human beings.

Understanding of the SDGs

  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulate the road map for the development sector, we do have a deep understanding of all 17 goals and the indicators thereof.

Understanding of various evaluation frameworks

  • The evaluation frameworks worked over by various scholars and the data from syndicated research conducted to provide a deep understanding. We have studied them well, and wish to use these insights for future projects.

Market understanding

  • Another outcome of understanding behaviour gives one the ability to understand the market. Coupled with that closely following the agri-business and FMCG markets as well as the automotive markets provides us with the capacity to read them better.

Projection and estimation

  • We have good team with statistical background to be able to project our findings to the universe of your choice, be it the programme area, the market your product wants to reach to or the constituencies you would like to win.


o Market research

  • Market sizing
  • Demand estimation
  • U&A Studies
  • Ad pre-testing
  • Ad evaluation
  • Product testing
  • Customer Satisfaction

o Development Research

  • Need assessment
  • Situation analysis
  • Formative research
  • Knowledge, attitude and practice studies
  • Programme evaluation
  • Landscaping surveys
  • Facility assessment

o Political research

  • Opinion polls
  • Result prediction
  • Party and candidate imagery

Social Media

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What We Do

Domains we work on

  • Need assessment and situation analysis
  • Formative research
  • Concept and product testing, including, communication pre-testing
  • Knowledge, attitude and practice studies
  • Program evaluation
  • Usage and Awareness studies
  • Demand estimation studies
  • Video documentation

Sectors we work on

  • Poverty alleviation and livelihoods
  • Child protection and rights
  • Human resilience
  • Health and nutrition
  • Education and early child development
  • Agri-business and agri-products
  • FMCG
  • Automotive industry

When Would You Need Us

To evaluate the programme/ marketing effort

To monitor the progress of the programme/ marketing effort

To disseminate the programme learnings

To get the insights required to create a programme/ new concept

To conceptualize a programme

Social Media

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Organizations Who Trust Us

Our Divisions

Akyumen Research & Consulting is the research innovation division of FDRI. Taking care of new research models and innovative ideation to generate insights. The division looks out for the best practices in research across various domains and sectors and tries to adapt them for the customized client needs

Parfact Operations & Research is the field operations innovation division of FDRI. Taking care of new techniques in data collection and processing. Bringing in innovative ideas using technology, while maintaining the sanctity of the data being collected. The idea is to adapt with the changing times and stay relevant.

Social Media

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About two decades of experience in various research roles in the development sector. Having experience of working in unit head level of multinational research companies and also headed the research and learning unit of international NGO. Worked closely with multilateral and bilateral agencies, international NGOs, government bodies and corporate houses in various domains of research and in various different capacities. Have worked on plethora of thematic areas like health, nutrition, education, livelihoods, financial inclusion, environment and forestry, human resilience, child rights etc. on different research domains like formative research and need assessment, programme evaluation, landscaping studies (including segmentation) and policy research and analysis. Has been instrumental in designing complex research methodologies and analytical processes while adopting and modifying theoretical constructs that best fits the design. Have helped various organizations to design and plan their programmes and monitoring frameworks for optimal result
Soumya Sinha

Meet Our Leadership

Soumya Sinha, Director

Soumya, is been in the research industry for the last two decades and has the experience of working on a plethora of research domains. After graduating from IIFM, Bhopal, Soumya, has been involved in various prestigious research studies while working closely with various organisations. He has spent most of his time working in the research industry working in research and consultancy organizations and also had a brief stint with BBC Media Action, India as the head of research. He has extensive experience in research designing, with a complete understanding of all types of research methodologies. He has had the experience of applying theoretical frameworks and approaches on applied research to provide structured and scientific data collection and providing actionable insights.

KK Ambast, Director

Ambast, has been a part of the research industry for more than two decades. He has been working to operationalize data collection and processing for many international research and consultancy companies, including the Nielsen Company, IMRB and TNS on varied projects. He has in-depth of knowledge of the ground realities in rural as well as urban India across people from wide range of economic sections from owners of high-end luxury cars to slum dwellers or poorest of the people in the most under-privileged part of the country. Ambast has a strong understanding of understanding the research concept and converting that into the field. He has been phenomenal in handling many large scale and prestigious Central government research studies of repute.

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